Book Club.
General Questions
What did you know about the experiences of Black people working in the charitable sector before you read it?
These authors have provided a perspective on charities that you don’t usually hear about. Has it affected your view of charitable work?
As you were reading the book can you describe your initial emotional response to what you were reading?
Upon reading the book, did you experience a shift in your emotions? If yes, can you describe the shift?
Do the experiences described resonate with you in any way, either as someone who has had similar experiences, someone who have observed incidents as described in the book or someone whose conscious or unconscious behaviours may have caused harm to a Black colleague or employee?
Now that you have read the book, what and how to you plan to use the information? What will change for you?
Introduction Questions
The book features contributions from fundraisers in Canada and the US. In the introduction to the book, co-editor Nneka Allen shares the context and history of both countries. Were you surprised by the information shared in the introduction to the book? What surprised you most?
Theme Questions
The contributions are divided into four themes – Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love. What do you believe are the significance of the themes and why do you think the editors structured the book in this way?
If you had to write under one of these themes to describe your work, college or volunteer experiences which would you choose and why?
What central message(s) do you take away from the contributions under each of the themes?