Training & Learning.
A Path to Action: Journey Towards Collecting Courage
A Path to Action: A Journey Towards Collecting Courage is a curriculum co-created by four leading and influential voices with deep experience in the Nonprofit Sector who came together to illuminate a practical path toward racial justice in the charitable sector.
We know based on the response to Collecting Courage Joy Pain Freedom Love that there is a desire to learn, grow and change in the face of white supremacy power dynamics and practices that is deeply embedded and upholds inequities and injustice in the charitable sector.
This learning guide is designed to respond to the question, “what now?” This journey is an individual exploration as well as a collective one. We believe there is a role for everyone to play in the pursuit of racial justice and that transformation begins with the individual. We believe there is power in learning together. We know that social change is made possible through collective effort.
Our next cohort begins in September after Labour Day!
Join us on this courageous journey towards racial justice. This 8-module cohort learning opportunity is for you if you agree with any of the following statements:
YOU read Collecting Courage and are asking, “what should I do now?”
YOU are curious about your racial identity development and pursuing racial justice
YOUR book club, friends, community group or class are looking to dismantle white supremacy culture as a harm-filled political-economic social system of domination and replace it with cultures of liberation, belonging and reciprocity
YOUR organizations/ institutions in the nonprofit, private, and public sectors
You have 3 hours per week for a minimum of 8 weeks to invest in your learning and growth
We believe the pursuit of racial freedom and justice is a lifelong journey and learning together is one of the best ways to grow and progress!
"True community is based upon equality, mutuality, and reciprocity. It affirms the richness of individual diversity as well as the common human ties that bind us together." ~ Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray
Note: This experience is $1,200 total, split into 4 monthly payments of $300.
Dr. Krishan Mehta
"As a collaborator on the curriculum for this initiative, I can personally vouch for the intention, attention and ambition behind creating a personalized and meaningful journey for all participants. Through these modules, you will unlearn, you will relearn, and you will come to understand how we can best mobilize and anchor change within our organizations. It’s groundbreaking and extraordinary work."
Liz LeClair, CFRE
"As a professional fundraiser, with more than 20 years of experience, I am deeply concerned about the state of our sector. In our efforts to "do good" we often contribute to the systems and structures that oppress and discriminate against people of colour. To change this, we must confront our complicity and rid ourselves of fragility, once and for all. A Path to Action: Journey Towards Collecting Courage course should be mandatory for every single fundraising leader in our industry. This course requires participants to do the deep work of reflection on the journey to racial justice in philanthropy. If you care about a more diverse, equitable, and just world, you must participate in this collective healing and reparations act."
Rebecca Huron
“Prior to a Path to Action, I felt lost, or maybe stuck, on how to be an ally, and take the steps needed to dismantle systems of injustice and racism. That work felt so big and overwhelming, and it was easy to get passive or let the day-to-day grind pull all my attention and energy. So, when the opportunity to join this program with my coworkers came up, I jumped at it and am so glad I did. This entire program is so thoughtfully designed and developed with resources, moments of reflection, and, most importantly, community. Our cohort was able to wrestle with topics, develop a space of trust and vulnerability, and was committed to not leaving anyone behind. This program challenged me, opened my mind to new ideas, and gave me actionable next steps. I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate in this and will continue to revisit this information for years to come. I would highly recommend this training to anyone. (Better yet... do this with your whole team!)”
Matt Gill
“This was an incredible experience. One big takeaway for me was that learning in community is critical. I've spent a fair amount of time with my nose in books by Black authors, which is important but not transformational. In conversation, relationship, and community with folks coming to this work from their diverse backgrounds and perspectives, I was challenged, I received feedback, people reacted to my ideas and responded, and through that experience we all grew in ways we could never have grown individually. Nneka asked incredible questions, Camila offered brilliant insight, and the material was relevant and impactful. I emerged with practical next steps, as well as a renewed energy and community to continue this journey of a lifetime. Would highly recommend!”
Karen Kendrick